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Mainstage Show Audition Tips

New to auditioning? Here are a few important tips:

1. Show up on time. In theatre, "on time" means that you arrive a few minutes early. Smile as you enter the room and politely check in at the front table.  Your audition begins from the moment you walk through the door.  IMPORTANT: Our audition form is now digital and can be found on our AUDITIONS page.  Remember, if you are under 18, an adult must sign your audition form.  Please read our policies and waivers carefully before auditioning.  


2. Bring a hardcopy of your headshot and resume. A headshot can be any photo as long as it clearly looks like you and is from the waist/shoulders up.  No aesthetic/filtered shots. selfies, or a picture of you with your cat/Star Wars toy collection.  Staple your headshot and resume together, back-to-back. The preferred sizes are either 8 x 10 or 8.5 x 11 inches.  CLICK HERE for a sample resume. 


3.  Be ready to sing and dance.  For C.R.O.W.'s mainstage musicals, a brief song audition is required.  We recommend you sing a song that you know well, have memorized the words, and can show your personality and range.  Please DO NOT audition with a song from the show you are auditioning for.  The recommended length is about 16 bars (or about 1 minute).  You can bring your music in the form of sheet music or on a device such as a phone/MP3 player.  We will help you connect to our Bluetooth speaker.  Please have your music cued up and ready to go.  If you have never auditioned and don't know another song, "Happy Birthday" works.  But we'd rather hear a different song if you have one prepared.  Usually (but not always), you will be asked to dance after you sing. 

4. Be prepared and be flexible. Whether you have to read a portion of the script (called "sides") or perform a monologue, be ready to do your best at whatever is asked of you.  Try to use any nervous energy in a positive way.  Be flexible on casting, too.  Maybe you don't see yourself in a particular role, but the directorial team does.  If you are only willing to accept a certain role, it is important that you check that box on the audition form.   Warning:  If you do check that box, be prepared to accept the consequences if you don't get that role and therefore are not cast at all.  

5. Be respectful...even if the other people auditioning aren't. Some people can be downright rude to those that they view as competition. They may give you a terrifying "go away, you stink" vibe.  Don’t worry, the audition panel notices everything.  Do not let anyone else get under your skin.   


6. Don’t pay attention to what is happening at the directorial panel’s table.  It may seem to you that you're not holding the directors’ interest when you are cold reading or singing, or even that you're being ignored. This is not the case.  Do not let anything affect your performance.  Just keep a positive attitude and keep going!  PRO TIP:  Pick a spot or two above the panel's head and sing to those spots.  Don't give us a creepy "look you dead in the eye" performance.  

7. Be gracious and don't be annoying.  When you're dismissed, always say "thank you"...and then promptly leave the area. Do not linger to talk to us or your friends when the audition concludes.  It's ok to ask a quick question, but then get out of there and let us make our decisions.  Nothing screams "don't cast me" more than a needy actor. 

8.  Practice cold reading before the audition.  Grab a newspaper, a magazine, a novel, or a script and practice reading aloud in a nice, clear voice.  Can you look down quickly, get the line in your head, and then look up as you deliver it?  We would love to see your face, so don't hide behind your side (script page) at the audition.  Lower your side as much as possible, and don't worry if you mess up a word or two.  It's more important to show us that you can act.

9.  Dress nicely.  You should ALWAYS wear nice looking clothing and shoes that you can move in to an audition.  Don't wear something sloppy such as a hoodie or pajamas, don't wear something too tight/revealing, and don't dress exactly like the role you want (i.e.-If you're auditioning for "Dorothy" in The Wizard of Oz, don't wear a blue gingham dress and carry a stuffed dog.)  If a dance combination will be taught, it is smart to bring appropriate dance shoes to the audition and change into them, but your outfit should remain the same.  If you wear a dress, please put shorts or modesty briefs underneath, in case the combination contains turns or kicks.   Tip: It's a good idea to wear an accent piece such as a hat, scarf, bow, or shoes that might make you memorable in the audition panel's mind.  If you have long hair, you should pull it back out of your face.  

10.  Remember to have FUN!  We know that auditions can be scary, but if you have a positive attitude, and are willing to accept whatever the outcome will be.... it is half the battle! 


11.  Be flexible.  Remember, you may think that you're perfect for the role of _____________, but the audition panel may have other plans for you.  Be open, be fair, and be professional at all times!  This includes being supporting of anyone who later  receives a role that you may have wanted.  Being a good team player and exhibiting good character is a crucial life skill.  We stand firm by integrity at C.R.O.W. and we notice and reward the students who can learn, grow, show respect to everyone, and become better with practice.  Nobody is perfect and C.R.O.W. is a place to learn to be your very best! 

12.  If you are not cast, look within.  Questions to ask yourself:  What could you have done better?  What classes could you sign up for in order to perfect your artistic skills?  Did you practice your song enough?  Did you struggle to quickly pick up the choreography?  Were you professional in all areas?  Do you have any behavior problems that could have affected your casting?  If you received a callback, did you read clearly, with proper diction, projection and characterization?  These are example questions you can ask yourself.  If you think you did an amazing job and still didn't get cast in a role, there is always the possibility that it had nothing to do with your audition and we just didn't have a good spot for you THIS ONE TIME.  Auditioning is hard, but so is casting.  Try to remember that putting together a cast is like assembling a giant puzzle with a variety of pieces.  Sometimes, there are some great looking puzzle pieces that just don't fit.  That doesn't mean that they won't fit beautifully in a future puzzle.  

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Break A Leg!

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If you have specific questions, please feel free to email: 

If you are new to C.R.O.W. we strongly encourage you to read our FAQ's

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