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Donate to C.R.O.W.

Would you like to make a donation online?  Please CLICK HERE.


Donations by mail can be sent to: C.R.O.W. - PO Box 184, Florence, OR 97439


Scroll down for more information and options for your donation. 


If you have questions, please contact us: (541) 999-8641or


C.R.O.W. is a 501 (c) 3 - tax exempt organization.  EIN: 45-3478841


Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest amount allowable by law.  Please consult your tax-preparer with any specific questions. 

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Our Promo Video:

We invite you to investigate the many ways you can ensure the future of the arts for our incredible community in a tax advantaged way.  Opportunities include:

• Outright Personal or Business Contributions
• A Bequest through your Will or Living Trust
• A Gift of an Appreciated Asset like Stock 
  or Real Estate
• A Legacy Gift Creating or Enhancing a 
  Perpetual Support or Endowment Fund
• Encore Membership Program Pledges
• A Charitable Trust or Gift Annuity

For all contributions, C.R.O.W. offers the following possibilities:


1.  Our Flexible Fund (also known as unrestricted funds), which allows us to respond to needs as they arise as well as to keep the lights on.


2.  Our Technical Theatre Fund, which supports such vital production components as lights, sets, costumes, and props.  This fund helps create the "magic" you see onstage.  


3.  Our Scholarship Fund, which allows us to welcome C.R.O.W. kids whose families need a helping hand. 


4.  Our Endowment Fund.  Thanks to the incredible Testa Family, C.R.O.W. has an Endowment (Agency) Fund through Western Lane Community Foundation, which you may contribute to.  The title of the fund is "Testa Family C.R.O.W. Agency Fund."   Donations may be added to the endowment fund by other donors at any time, by contacting the Foundation at: (541) 997-1274. 

Thank you for your contribution to children in the Arts!

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